Sunday, March 2, 2014

Armaggedon in Ukraine: Victorious St. Michael defeats red dragon!

All world saw what was happening on the maidan square in Kyiv, Ukraine last month, January, 2014 but very know and understand the spiritual nature of this conflict. This article will enlighten you on this matter.

Maidan, the word for the square in Ukrainian, the main square of Kyiv where heavy clashes were taking place, means "battlefield" in Arabic! (this word is Arabic borrowing and entered Ukrainian via Crimean Tatar and Turkish language). So it was a battlefield, it was Armaggedon in fact (Tahir square in Cairo, Egypt bears also the name Maidan! by the way), conflict between Gods angels and red devils, between the forces of light and forces of darkness. Saint Michael, whose statue with a sword stands on Maidan and to whose monastery (St. Michael´s monastery) all the wounded and dead protestors were taken, was taking part in the battles Himself. He was heading the forces of light, the forces of good angels, that stood the Maidan protestors´ self defence units. We saw the final agony and convulsions of the red devil, the red demons that hold sway over the Soviet Union for 70 years. And there was a limit, there was time appointed by God, when the red system will fall. 

The map that show where the idols of Antichrist Lenin fell in Ukraine in January 2014. Western Ukraine cleared these idols yet in the early 1990s but central Ukraine only now. The battle is going to continue in Crimea and the eastermost Donbas and Kharkiv regions as you can see on the map where the idols still stand.

Lenin was Antichrist and right after the defeat of quasi-communist red regime of Yanukovych, hundreds of idols of Lenin fell in Ukraine, but not yet in Crimea and the easternmost areas of Ukraine. And now we see battle continues in Crimea. Be sure the red devil will also be defeated there. His time simply ran out (the turning point was the fall on the idol of Antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv in December, 2013 (though the disintegrating process started earlier with the collapse of the USSR).

                              Christian priest smashing the idol of antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The idol of antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv stood exactly the permitted 67 years + 3 days = 70! 70 is sphenic (sphena means cornerstone in Greek) number and the time of human´s life according to the Bible. So its obvious that there NO accidents. Simply the time appointed by God arrived. Its simply over!! Post-communist and quasi Yanukovych red regime of the last beast fell 2 months later and will never return in Kyiv, no matter how hard Putin tries. The number of days permitted by God simply ran out! And the red devill will also fall in Crimea, be sure in that! The dragon retreats in great convulsions, also in Crimea. But the dark forces will retreat also there.

Why God cut it short? Because of the countless crimes the red demonic system did to the Christian church (the biggest persecutions of Christians ever known in the past 2000 years), God is punishing the red followers, the red devil will fall also in Crimea. But it will be very dramatic conflict also there, as we saw in Maidan. The red demonic system is still in grip in Moscow. Antichrist Lenin is in the mausoleum on the Red square still. 

The clairvoyant west Ukrainian healer Mykhaylo Yuryk told the same thing that it was St Michael who fought on the Maidan square of Kyiv Himself. This prophet predicted the victory of the Maidan protestors andhe also predicts the same victory of God´s angels in the Crimea.

And by the way - the easternmost church of Crimea (in Osovyny, off Kerch, on the very cape and tip that faces Russia) is the Church of Saint Michael too! Of the same Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate as the St. Michael´s monastery at Maidan in Kyiv. And the local  Ukrainian priest there has the name Michael too...Coincidence? I dont think so...Michael is also at work in Crimea as He was on the Maidan!


Here is the article in Ukrainian (use may Google translate) about this prophecy:

У Криму розпочалася вирішальна битва сил Добра з Пітьмою і Злом. Про це кореспонденту Третього ока розповів сьогодні цілитель із Закарпаття п. Михайло Юрик.

«У Криму іде вирішальна для України битва сил Світла з Темрявою. У ній задіяне небесне військо, яким опікується наш Господь. Це невидимий фронт боротьби. Але на ньому вирішується доля України і нашого народу. Над Кримом стоїть сяйво Божої слави», – розповів Михайло Юрик.
За словами цілителя, небесне воїнство переможе сили Зла. Їх буде потоплено в Чорному морі.
Ми запитали у п. Михайла про долю Путіна. Що буде з російським лідером?
«У моїх видіннях Путін занурюється в темряву і щезає», – відповів цілитель.
За його словами, Україна гідно подолає усі труднощі. Військова криза має вирішитися вже через місяць.
Нагадаємо, що раніше Михайло Юрик передбачив повну перемогу Майдану. Він також стверджував, що серед його оборонців був сам Архангел Михаїл.
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God be with us and may St Michael protect us too!

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