Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Crimean War or 3rd World War?

Today is March 27th, 2014 and exactly 160 years ago CRIMEAN WAR started that took lives of half a million (!) people. Russia LOST this war...27-28 of March the West declared war on Russia after the Russian invasion in Black Sea...history is being repeated!

Crimean War lasted 2 YEARS...It took lives of 220.000 Russians, 175.000 Turks, 95.000 Frenchmen, 21.000 Englishmen, 2000 total 595.000 victims! The price of lost life is very high. Some people cant live in peace in places where some violent murder took place...crimes reverberate through time.

Bombs on the road to Sevastopol in Crimea. 
Fenton´s photo from the  Crimean War of 1854 - 1856.

160 is not an odd number, its even - fulfillment number! Appointed time arrived, as connection between these events is evident. Looks like something is going to happen today or tomorrow as dates of events in human life tend to correlate. There is some connection between naturally related events. Because of our limited mind we just dont understand how it works, dont see the causal links. How would you explain then the fact that so many people die same date they were born or spouses die about same time. I dont believe in accidents - all the occurances are subject to strict natural (Divine) laws. We just dont see the full picture (due to the limited nature of our mind that cant see the hidden past or future) but we can guess from details and knowledge (bits of recorded history) at least something.

Now many Christian prophecies of the Eastern Church (saints, elders) all speak with war of Russia with China. That China will occupy all the Siberia till the Ural mountains. Prophecies all say that Vladimir (obviously Putin) will start the war and it will last shorter span of time than previous World Wars, some 2 years or so. One saint said that Putin will start war and the war will devour him. Considering Putin is already 62 years old, Putin´s invasion of Crimea and Ukraine might be the prelude to the great international conflict as many fear indeed. Greek saints prophesied that war events will be taking place in Turkey. Countless Chinese troops will cross Euphrates (river in already war-torn Syria!). 

The one who lifts the sword - he will perish from it. Putin lifted the sword against Ukraine and he will perish from it.

Let us pray for the peace however! War is terrifying and we should do everything possible to prevent it. And prayer is the most important tool to obtain peace. Jesus Christ is Lord of Peace! 

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Рівно 160 років тому розпочалася КРИМСЬКА ВІЙНА, внаслідок якої загинуло більше пів мільйона (!) людей. Росія ПРОГРАЛА цю війну! 27-28 Березня 1854 року західні держави оголосили Росії війну в Криму...історія повторюється!

Кримська війна тривала рівно 2 РОКИ і в ній загинуло 220.000 росіян, 175.000 турків, 95.000 французів, 21.000 англійців, 2.000 італійців...всього 595.000 (!) загиблих.

160 парне число, повне (рівне) - число виповнення. В житті випадковостей нема. Все виглядає так, шо призначений час настав. Можливо це і буде початком світової війни з Китаєм, про яку існує стільки пророцтв і яку Росія програє. За пророцтвами, Путіна має погубити війна, він ж має її розпочати..а йому вже 62 роки. Скоріш за все це таки і є початок цих подій. Прізвище Турчинов вказує на Туреччину, де, за пророцтвами розгортатимуться масштабні події.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The great confusion of Russia explained! Origin of Rus and Ukraine!

Do you know why the First World War started? It started when Russia invaded western Ukraine! Western Ukraine (East Galicia) was part of Austrian empire then. Do you know why Russia invaded western Ukraine then? Because they regarded it as historic "Russian" lands that simply "naturally" ought to belong to Russia. Generations died but this myth (that Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities) keeps living in the heads of millions of Russians! People sincerely believe in this. Its almost as a religious dogma for Putin and especially for the Russian Orthodox patriarch. Because, as someone rightly pointed out, the Russian Orthodox Church is first RUSSIAN Church, second its Orthodox church and only third it is Christian (?!)...The decease of Russian nationalism is above Christianity in the heads of thousands. 80 % of Russians justify the war against Ukraine because of Crimea...

But its all about history and all about Sweden (yes, yes!) and Swedish Vikings that caused this terrible confusion that is causing world wars! Its no accident that Carl Bildt, current minister of foreign affairs of Sweden so much worried about the ongoing events. Carl Bildt is one of the most engaged western politicians in this conflict. Do you know how the Finns call his country? Ruotsi! (Russia!). Ruotsi is Finnish name for Sweden. Rootsi is Sweden in Estonian too. Note that ancient Slavic name for Finland is SUM´ (in Finnish it is SUOMI), so ancient Slavic RUS' corresponds to Finnish RUOTSI (Sweden). There is no doubt that these Slavic / Finnish terms correspond to each other. What is the origin of this term? Roþsmenn in old Swedish means "OARSMEN / ROWERS" (from old Norse "róða" - to row). It was not ethnic name but SOCIAL term, denoting PROFESSION, OCCUPATION, a group of rowing-warriors (Ros-lag, where lag is a team) who were called up by the Swedish king for military crusades from the coastal / maritime hundreds of Sweden. The term stood precisely for the MILITARY (warlike) unit of rowers. Paradox (!) - remember the military and aggressive nature of Russian empire through history). Because of this, Roden became the historic name for all the coastal area of Sweden. Nowadays this terms got preserved in the form Roslagen that applies to the maritime region east of Stockholm. Roslagen is still officially divided into hundreds (hundred (hérað) was a district that used to provide 100 warriors for the "leidung", military crusade) such as Seming-HUNDRA, Sju-HUNDRA, Ly-HUNDRA etc. Seven disctricts of modern Roslagen still bear the names of hundreds!

Kænugarður (Port of river boats / City of river boats) is Icelandic name for Kyjiv, capital of Ukraine. Kæna (pronounced as "kayna" in Icelandic) denotes a "river boat" in Icelandic. It is archaic old Norse word that stands for smaller type of vessel, fit to sail the rivers, such as Dnieper. It was Viking commercial BOAT HUB on the Dnieper, where Viking dynasty of Rurikides (Rurik from Hrærekur means "Great ruler" in Icelandic) established themselves passing the name of Swedish "Roþsmenn" onto the area they controlled. Rus (Ruotsi, Sweden in Finnish) was the collective (plural form) for the maritime Swedes of Roden in old Slavic, while Sum (Suomi in Finnish) was the Slavic name for the Finns.

Vikings brought this name Rus first upon Kyiv state and all its subjects. Because of Viking Rurikide Rus (Roþs / Swedish) dynasty Kyivan state was called Rus. The term became unitive name for the closely related Slavo-Sarmatian tribes (Iranic speaking Scytho-Sarmatians who couldnt pronounce the Slavic "g" and "f" sounds, the main features of Ukrainian language and people). These tribes were united under the name of "Rusins" (a noun, usually is transliterated as Ruthenian today) under the rule of Viking dynasty. Rusins became collective term for the following proto-Ukrainian tribes: Carpathian CROATS (or White Croats, that inhabited west Ukraine - the Principality of Halych), POLIANS (small tribe centerted around Kyiv), DEREVLIANS (Zhytomyr region), DULIBES (Volhynians, Volhyn region), SIVERIANS (Chernihiv region), ULYCHES (Vinnytsia and Kirovohrad regions), TYVERTSIANS (Ukrainians of Moldova and east Romania) plus several Turkic tribes that got assimilated - TORKS, PECHENEGS and CUMANS. The Alanic (Scytho-Sarmatian) tribes that contributed to the formation of Ukrainian ethnicity at EARLIER STAGE were Roxolans (Rox Alans / White Alans) and Yazygs (Jasses). Croats (Horvati) and Serbs were also originally also Alanic / Sarmatian tribes that lived at the mouth of Don but later moved to the Carpathian region. Some Serbo-Croats immigrated to the Balkans upon the invitation of the Byzantine emperor (they passed the names Serbia & Croatia along with the Slavic tongue to the local Balkan population, with native aboriginals not being effected much otherwise - genetically Yugoslav population remained abroginal Illyrian at its bulk). Coat of Arms of Ukraine is ancient Zoroastrian (Scytho-Sarmatian pagan faith) symbol. It depicts tree of life guarded by two phoenixes (animal-birds or griffins) that were called simargles in Slavic or Simurgs in Persian. In Kazakh this mythic bird is called "samuryk", "semrug" in Tatar (Samaryk, Semeruk are common last names in Ukraine). Alans spoke Iranic tongue, closely related to the modern Digor dialect of the Ossetian. Name Zarvanytsia, modern Ukrainian Christian piligrimage center of Virgin Mary, famous in Ukraine, comes from Zarvan (Zurvan), Zoroastrian deity, "god" of time. So are the river names Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, lake Donuzlav all come from Don meaning "water" in Scytho-Sarmatian and Ossetian languages.

Moscow didnt exist then...So for centuries Ukraine was known as Rus (thanks to the Swedish Viking invaders) Ukrainians as Rusins. Muscovite tsardom was not called Rus then but Muscovy and its subjects were referred as Muscovites...Name Moskva is Finnic in its origin and means "Cow´s puddle" in Merian tongue (non-existent, modern Finnic Ves and Mari languages are the closest to Merian).  So capital of Russia was founded by Merians, a Finnic tribe that worshiped the bear (symbol of modern Russia).

How come that modern Russia is called Russia? First we have to clarify who the modern Russians are. Historians say that modern Russians are the youngest ethnicity among Ukrainians and Belarusians. Modern Russian ethnicity formed itself out of two Slavic tribes Viatiches (chronicle say Viatko, progenitor of Viatches came from POLAND (!), Kriviches (KRIEVIJA is Russia in Latvian by the way) and a great number of Volgaic-Finnic tribes Merians (the first settlers and name givers of MOSCOW!), Muromas, Ves, Vot, plus - very important - east Galindians (Baltic Goliad tribe of Moscow and Kaluga region) who pronounce "o" as "a" in Baltic manner (so called "akanie" that is main feature of Baltic and Russian languages). These tribes got united under the name Russkiye (adjective!), a term that was synonym for Christian. Medieval historians agree that adjective "Russkiy" denoted not the ethnicity but the religion! Russkiy corresponded to term Orthodox Christian in those northern Muscovite lands. Note that the name for villager / peasant in Russian is krestyanin (!), that is Christian. All the countless heathen Finnic tribes that were converting to Christianity were branded as Russkiye (Orthodox Christians!). Even today when Finnic Estonians convert to Orthodox Christianity they are referred as "Russians" by other Estonians!

Likewise, the modern Russian language is conversational form of Church-Slavic (!), lingua franca imposed upon all these tribes by the Orthodox church which always exercised nearly "TOTALITARIAN" CONTROL in the Russian society (not anymore, as most of Russians are atheistic due to the communism). No surprise - the closest language to Russian in terms of vocabulary is Bulgarian (!). Church Slavic is Old Bulgarian. I heard one Bulgarian lady said "When we hear Russian it reminds us our old Bulgarian language!". That is how the archaic UKRAINIAN language that for centuries was known as RUSKA became the language of space aliens that ought not to Russian now is the bookish old Bulgarian tongue of Muscovite clerics imposed with much fever upon the ILLITERATE Finnic Merians (even the Russian word "merzskiy" that means "appalling" derives from and is synonym for Merian, a Finnic tribe of Meria of Moscow and Kostroma) & Erzyans of Penza...Whatever happened it happened! Communist Russia DISCREDITED our old name - just as the term Berkut (Ukrainian for eagle) was discredited by the crimes and brutalities of Berkut police during Maidan revolution to the point that a restaurant Berkut in the Carpathian mountains had to rename itself! Nowadays, once Ruska mova is called and known as Ukrainian (Ukrayinska) while conversational Church Slavic (bookish old Bulgarian) spearheaded by the medieval "talibans" of Muscovite Church is known worldwide as Russian. We Ukrainians are satisfied with the well sounding name Ukrainian (note that the name Ukraine (Ukrajina) is nearly as old as the name Rus) but we will not the Muscovites to manipulate and steal our history and heritage!

In 1712 Peter the Great renames (there was official decree! about this) Muscovite tsardom into Rossiyskaya imperia (Russian empire) after (!) he OCCUPIES and invades the historic Rus (Ukraine), having defeated the united UKRAINIAN (read "Russian", second bearers of this name)-SWEDISH (read "Russians", first bearers of this name) army of hetman Mazepa and Carl XII, the Swedish king. Viking Swedes (Roþs-menn) again with their name children Ukrainians (Rusins)! What a paradox of history! To create the empire one needs some great mythology. Muscovite tsar uses the history of Kyivan state for that! Tsar Peter "the Enlightener" wanted to make those vast swampy and barbaric lands "European" and used already civilized and newly occupied Rus-Ukraine for that as a TRANSPLANT! Educated Ukrainian (Rus) clergy and Germans of all kinds were more than welcome by Peter in the key positions of the new empire then. He also "borrows" coat-of-arms from Byzantium...flag colours from west Europe (Holland). This was the turning point. The greatest world empire is being born! Note that he adopted the form ROSSIA (via O) the Greek version of Ukraine´s name "Rus", he did not name the empire as Rus but Rossia, a foreign Greek name (!). Thats how Russians is called in Russian today ROSSIA, a Greek exhonym (foreign term) for old Rus-Ukraine. Since then, because of the overtaken name and because of the new "europeazation" ("russification" or read it "UKRANIAZATION" policy in modern language) Russians started "stealing" en-masse Ukrainian history and heritage. Name manipulations for imperial expansion! Ukrainians were left basically without history, as if we "fell down from space".

One more important thing to remember modern Russians call themselves "RUSSKIYE" (ADJECTIVE, denotes QUALITY) while Ukrainians called themselves "RUSINS" (NOUN, denotes ESSENSE). Russians never called themselves RUSINS! It is a HISTORIC FACT. So in reality Russians never really overtook out selfname Rusins...but refer to themselves with a weird adjective form of Russkiy...Russians ARE THE ONLY SLAVIC PEOPLE WHO USE ADJECTIVE AS SELFNAME. It is as if Poles (Polaks) would call themselves Polskiye (Polish-es). Or if besides Serbins (Serbs, noun) there would be another nation calling themlselves Serbskiye (adjective). Or imagine the existences of Spaniards and some sort of multi-ethnic bunch of Spanish-es (American Latinos, who would go with war for Madrid as mother of Latino cities, ought to belong to Mexico! let´s say).

The problem is also that because of the extensive Russian propaganda this pseudo-ideology went into the heads of many ethnic Ukrainians, causing much division among Ukrainians, not mentioning 7 millions ethnic Muscovites who moved into Ukraine in Soviet times after the artificial famine (arranged by Stalin) swept the lives of millions of ethnic Ukrainians leaving many villages empty.

Each time Ukraine (old Rus) becomes independent Russians face IDENTITY CRISIS because all their history, state ideology, even church (!) are based on the belief that they are inheritors of ancient Kyivan Rus! And when Russian nationalism lifts its sick head  it always turns its teeth towards Kyiv as "mother of Russian cities". The anthem of Soviet Union was "Great Rus united the unseparable union of free republics"...This Soviet anthem was returned as official anthem (at least the music, they changed the words though) of modern Russia by Putin, who told that existence of Ukraine is some sort of misunderstanding. After the maidan revolution when Ukraine became truly independent (Yanukovich regime was occupational Russian regime) Putin say they dont recognize the new authorities in Kyiv. Guess why? IDENTITY CRISIS that threatens to undermine the ideological "Russian" pillars of the Russian nation and Church, its very EXISTENCE! Because of Ukraine (original, first Russia) is independent then what is Russia and the Russians? They would have to rebuild and reconsider their STATE MYTHOLOGY and RENAME THEMSELVES!

It is as if Romanians would believe that they are true Romans (especially after they would occupy Rome and subjugate Italy for 200 years as it was case with Russian occupation of Ukraine since 1705, west Ukraine since 1939). Luckily there is no Romanian empire centered in Bucharest and Romanians do not have these sick imperialistic beliefs along with nuclear weapons. So, Italians and true Romans can be safe. But Ukrainians (ex Rusins) are not!

Names Ukraine (means "COUNTRY", "krajina" is country in Ukrainia, ukrajina is archaic term synonymous with word krajina, country) and Ukrainians came more and more into use among Ukrainians (Rusins) for not to be confused with Russians (Russkiys) after the Peter the Great renamed the empire into Rossia and started "russification" (call it "ucranization" in modern language) of the empire, attempt that DIDNT SUCCEED and turned to have catastrophic results particularly for Ukrainian people, whose existence as a "separate" nation became a threat to the disintergration of a shaky imperial Ukraine (Rus) based ideology of Russian empire. Peter the Great (and later Catherine the Great, a German) are to be blamed for this confusion. In its essence, current Russian nation is a modern artificial creation like the USA and Germans played very important founding role in it (great part of the state apparatus of the Russian empire along with the Russian tsar dynasty (!!) were all of German descent!). No surprise Germany today is Russia´s puppet (a sort of Troyan horse) in the EU...It was Germany and Russian speaking Angela Merkel who opposed Ukraine to join NATO during the reign of Yushchenko. Be Ukraine in NATO now, Putin wouldnt dare to invade Ukraine´s Crimea...

So just because of this political (and so admired among the Russians to the point of "holiness") term Russia (I stress POLITICAL because there was NO ETHNIC TRIBE called Russians in history), millions of Russians still believe that Ukrainians, as former bearers of this name (thanks to the hegemony of Viking "Swedish" Rurikide dynasty over them) are one ethnicity with modern Russians...In fact Russians reject the term Ukrainian. The very existence of Ukraine and Ukrainian language (which is the most archaic Slavic tongue by the way!) are contradiction of terms for them. If so, theen truly Stockholm is the mother of all Russian cities and Swedes are authentic Russians that ought to be united with Russia...Sweden to be invaded by Putin next on the same premises? How stupid this ideology is. Dont you think so. Sick imperialism, the perilous decease of nationalism.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Armaggedon in Ukraine: Victorious St. Michael defeats red dragon!

All world saw what was happening on the maidan square in Kyiv, Ukraine last month, January, 2014 but very know and understand the spiritual nature of this conflict. This article will enlighten you on this matter.

Maidan, the word for the square in Ukrainian, the main square of Kyiv where heavy clashes were taking place, means "battlefield" in Arabic! (this word is Arabic borrowing and entered Ukrainian via Crimean Tatar and Turkish language). So it was a battlefield, it was Armaggedon in fact (Tahir square in Cairo, Egypt bears also the name Maidan! by the way), conflict between Gods angels and red devils, between the forces of light and forces of darkness. Saint Michael, whose statue with a sword stands on Maidan and to whose monastery (St. Michael´s monastery) all the wounded and dead protestors were taken, was taking part in the battles Himself. He was heading the forces of light, the forces of good angels, that stood the Maidan protestors´ self defence units. We saw the final agony and convulsions of the red devil, the red demons that hold sway over the Soviet Union for 70 years. And there was a limit, there was time appointed by God, when the red system will fall. 

The map that show where the idols of Antichrist Lenin fell in Ukraine in January 2014. Western Ukraine cleared these idols yet in the early 1990s but central Ukraine only now. The battle is going to continue in Crimea and the eastermost Donbas and Kharkiv regions as you can see on the map where the idols still stand.

Lenin was Antichrist and right after the defeat of quasi-communist red regime of Yanukovych, hundreds of idols of Lenin fell in Ukraine, but not yet in Crimea and the easternmost areas of Ukraine. And now we see battle continues in Crimea. Be sure the red devil will also be defeated there. His time simply ran out (the turning point was the fall on the idol of Antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv in December, 2013 (though the disintegrating process started earlier with the collapse of the USSR).

                              Christian priest smashing the idol of antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The idol of antichrist (Lenin) in Kyiv stood exactly the permitted 67 years + 3 days = 70! 70 is sphenic (sphena means cornerstone in Greek) number and the time of human´s life according to the Bible. So its obvious that there NO accidents. Simply the time appointed by God arrived. Its simply over!! Post-communist and quasi Yanukovych red regime of the last beast fell 2 months later and will never return in Kyiv, no matter how hard Putin tries. The number of days permitted by God simply ran out! And the red devill will also fall in Crimea, be sure in that! The dragon retreats in great convulsions, also in Crimea. But the dark forces will retreat also there.

Why God cut it short? Because of the countless crimes the red demonic system did to the Christian church (the biggest persecutions of Christians ever known in the past 2000 years), God is punishing the red followers, the red devil will fall also in Crimea. But it will be very dramatic conflict also there, as we saw in Maidan. The red demonic system is still in grip in Moscow. Antichrist Lenin is in the mausoleum on the Red square still. 

The clairvoyant west Ukrainian healer Mykhaylo Yuryk told the same thing that it was St Michael who fought on the Maidan square of Kyiv Himself. This prophet predicted the victory of the Maidan protestors andhe also predicts the same victory of God´s angels in the Crimea.

And by the way - the easternmost church of Crimea (in Osovyny, off Kerch, on the very cape and tip that faces Russia) is the Church of Saint Michael too! Of the same Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate as the St. Michael´s monastery at Maidan in Kyiv. And the local  Ukrainian priest there has the name Michael too...Coincidence? I dont think so...Michael is also at work in Crimea as He was on the Maidan!


Here is the article in Ukrainian (use may Google translate) about this prophecy:

У Криму розпочалася вирішальна битва сил Добра з Пітьмою і Злом. Про це кореспонденту Третього ока розповів сьогодні цілитель із Закарпаття п. Михайло Юрик.

«У Криму іде вирішальна для України битва сил Світла з Темрявою. У ній задіяне небесне військо, яким опікується наш Господь. Це невидимий фронт боротьби. Але на ньому вирішується доля України і нашого народу. Над Кримом стоїть сяйво Божої слави», – розповів Михайло Юрик.
За словами цілителя, небесне воїнство переможе сили Зла. Їх буде потоплено в Чорному морі.
Ми запитали у п. Михайла про долю Путіна. Що буде з російським лідером?
«У моїх видіннях Путін занурюється в темряву і щезає», – відповів цілитель.
За його словами, Україна гідно подолає усі труднощі. Військова криза має вирішитися вже через місяць.
Нагадаємо, що раніше Михайло Юрик передбачив повну перемогу Майдану. Він також стверджував, що серед його оборонців був сам Архангел Михаїл.
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God be with us and may St Michael protect us too!