It has been 8,6 years since I moved to Iceland and still here...It might be interesting for many how is it to live here.
The LANGUAGE: The Icelandic language is tough, nearly "unpronouncable" to a foreigner, definately one of the most difficult languages in Europe (harder than Finnish or Hungarian on my opinion). Its very archaic 1000 years old version of Norwegian brought here by ancient Norwegian sailors. Keep in mind that the language spoken nowadays in Norway is a variety of Danish, though its called "Norwegian". The real old Norwegian language survives only in Iceland and Faro islands. I managed to learn Icelandic, can communicate more less. I have a heavy accent but comparing to other foreigners, especially Poles who have lived here for same period of time my Icelandic is rather good. There are lots of Polish people here who dont speak Icelandic nearly at all.
The CLIMATE: The lack of sunshine and sunlight is the major issue for me. I would handle the rains and winds but human does need more sunlight, especially in wintertime. It makes living in Iceland challenging for a foreigner (unless you come from Greenland or north Norway of course). Winds are perhaps among the strongest in Europe too. Worse than that, they can be also very cold, chilling to the bones. It rains more in west Norway than here, so rain isnt really an issue. But cold winds are bad indeed, especially when they come with rain and snow. No umbrella will help you. On other hand you have here the cleanest water in Europe, the cleanest air too. Its a pleasure to breath here...a great relief comparing to the mainland Europe, where breathing is almost "suffocating" comparing to Iceland...Abundance of oxygen makes skin of Icelanders look young. I bet nowhere in Europe you will find so pure and refreshing air as in Iceland. Also water. Abundance of clean water. Powerful water pressure in the shower with truly "healing" water. Nothing like that in west Ukraine. Temperatures are low here. Rarely +15-20 in summer...usually around 10 now in June. I wish it could be warmer. But on other hand I dont like the heat and getting sweat. Iceland is great place to visit, beautiful views, landscapes...but to live for a foreigner, I dont think many will handle. At least I have heard of one Cuban woman who got so depressed here that she wasnt unable to go to work. So if you are southerner it might be a challenge to live here.
PEOPLE. Icelanders are open and rather sincere simple countryside type of people (not posh or snob as in Norway or France) but not very social. They are not interested in friendship with foreigners. More open to each other. They dont like talking about emotions or any deep matters, in general they talk very little (many dont even say hello). Dont expect having many Icelandic friends here (they will not invite you home or anything like that) unless you are a student. Maybe in the university circles it can be different. Considering remoteness and coldness of the island its understandable. So prepare facing big social challenges. There is a lack of social life here, little happens, life can be boring and empty of "events" if you come from some big city.
LIVING. Living in Iceland can also be boring and empty of proper social life and interaction. Often there is nothing to talk on the phone here because simply nothing happens here. Very few people, very few events, little social life, small society, staying most of year mainly indoors. People living in Icelandic villages end up talking about dreams, what they dreamt last night...Then again, you dont have many trees here, basically no forests, very few types of plants, very few types of flowers (mainly just lupin and yellow dandellions and only in June). One misses social life, one misses proper nature here...For Icelanders its the greatest emotional experience to visit mainland Europe, its like for a moon dweller to visit earth and see all the earth natural beauty, including abundance of human life and creation...So this is a minus about Iceland, unless you are searching for a ascetic life of a recluse and earth escape. But for that one needs to be prepared spiritually and mentally. Icelanders, though, who were born here are naturally more "fit" to live in these conditions (as fish belongs to the water) but if you a foreigner, after a few years, you will have to face some challenges with a time. To travel and live in Iceland is not the same.
WORK. Working in state establishments is reserved only for Icelanders. I havent met many foreigners (dont know know if I met any) working in Icelandic state offices, though foreigners are here maybe 11-14 % of population. Office works are in general only for Icelanders. They should have some "state quotas" for Icelanders with foreign background in state institutions but they dont. They have gender quotas though. So dont expect any office career here if you are a foreigner. In a way its some sort of apertheid. Nearly all low class jobs as cleaning, construction etc. are done by Polish immigrants who are paid the lowest salaries comparing to Icelanders. But it is not hard to get work here. You can get into construction, hotel , factory or driving some vehicle if you are not computer specialist. Its more competition for simple jobs on job market in Norway, Denmark or anywhere else in Europe where one is just an ant. Here human is more valued. There is less competitive discrimination (lack of people) or racism here but still you would have to live "on your own" in Iceland, almost as a monk unless you have a family. Icelanders rather stay away from foreigners in private life, simple because they are not very social, unless they are drunk of course. But next day when sober they will not remember you. I have a neighbour, an old Icelandic man. He comes to talk to me only when he is really drunk. But when he is sober he almost doesnt talk at all, stays away...
HOUSING. Rent is extremely expensive in Reykjavik here. Prepare to give away half of your salary for rent. Also to find a place to rent is nearly impossible, very hard at least. To take a loan to buy a flat - hopeless case, bcs you will have to pay 6-7 % yearly interest rates and after a few years the amount will be still the same. You will be just paying the interests...So from the point of house rent, buying a property, Sweden or Denmark are much better places. Here electricity and heating (warm houses) are cheap though, due to cheap geothermal natural resources...
SALARIES. Salaries are slightly less than in Norway or Sweden. By doing some simple job you would get 1.600 euros (to 2.100 euros) after tax. There are kindergarten workers here who get some 1.200-1.300 euros (after tax) here. But keep in mind its extremely expensive here. In Germany, when having the same salary, you can afford much more. Pension is also low here (maybe 900 euros) and considering prices are double as high as in Germany or France this is no joke to be retired here. Better to work for pension in Norway or Sweden. Icelandic krona isnt very secure currency neither, as you know...In 2008 it lost 40 % of value. Prices rose 40 % since then but salaries not that much. But if two people are working here you will have rather a secure living here. Cars are much cheaper here than in Norway and Denmark.
SPACE. A good thing. Lots of space. Lots of space freedom. No traffic jams here. No crowds. Problem of mainland Europe is overpopulation. There are simply just too many people in Holland or Germany. That is making life stressfull. Here, though it can be boring but no stress. Thats why Icelandic men live longest in Europe...The fact that there few people here is a big plus.
FAITH. Icelandic people are not religious in general. So if you are believing Christian you might have to face many challenges and practise your faith on your own. Icelanders dont read the Bible, maybe a few. Society is the way too much secularized and materialistic. But you need spiritual protection here. The island is volcanic with all these hellish landscapes, troll stories. I believe the hidden threats are here and many Icelanders dont realize this. If volcanoes are entrances to hell then this island is a challenging place in spiritual terms. You need to pray here, otherwise, with so little sunlight and all this darkness physicial or nonphysical one can easily "crack down" or get depressed here. Its good place for monastic life of you want to retreat from hectic city and materialistic life. So there are also pluses and opportunities for spiritual growth. You have access here to regular Holy Communion. There are sunday Messes and Orthodox Liturgies here.
Thats about Iceland...
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