In fact this is not any discovery of mine. This is rather a known fact in Russia, also among Vepses, who wanted to delagate Putin as Veps reprsentative to the congress of Finno-Ugric peoples.
Who are the Vepses? In broarder sense these are same people as the Finns, a branch of Finnish ethnicity, Orthodox Finns. Their language, like Karelian, doesnt differ that much from Finnish. In fact Finnish, Karelian and Veps belong to the same group of Baltic Finnic languages (in difference to Estonian). During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939, Vepses and Karelians were retreating together with the Finns into Finland. Today Vepses are disappearing ethncity with rather few speakers. Village of Vinnitsy is regarded as cultural center or a sort of a capital of Vepsaria. Most of the Vepses, like already non-existent Merians (who found and named Moscow, which is a Finnic / Merian name) have been assimilated by Russians and took part in the ethnogenesis of the Russian ethnicity.
Finnic Vepses, earlier known as Ves
Native population of St. Petersburg, south Karelia, Vologda and parts of Moscow regions.
No matter how hard Putin tries to say that "we are same people with Ukrainians", he is not! He is same people with Finns and Karelians. Because of his Veps origin (non-Indo-European!) Putin suffers from identity crisis. It is as if an African tried to to be ethnic Norwegian, or at least believed that he is. Mormons believe that they are the lost tribes of Israel. Hitler suffered from similiar racial complexes. Many non-Jews who attempt to be the semitic Hebrews suffer from same pseudo-beliefs, which might have grave consequences if person is in charge of a state, an aggressive empire with chaunvinistic past as is case with Russia. Putin has to come home, to his native Veps roots. That would be appeasing for him and for the world. Be what you are!