Dont fool yourself by thinking that you will die and disappear. You will loose the body but your eternal soul will keep living, you will keep thinking (because thinking is spiritual, immaterial process) and remembering, regretting or feeling peace for what you have done in life. Every action, every thought, very word is recorded, nothing goes into oblivion. In fact, they say in Tibet, your soul leaves the body your thought works 7 times faster than in bodily state, as it is not limited by material nature. However after death, you loose the opportunity to change your soul. It gets "fixed" in the very state you leave the body. Change, growth, development is possible only here on earth, while you are in the body. Your eternal and immortal soul is "one" with the temporarily and deadly body. It fills every cell of the body. Hence while we are in the body we have to use time to shape and form our eternal soul to the best possible ethical and moral level, developing knowledge, good habits, virtues, accumulating good deeds, pray and develop our relations with the Absolute Spirit and Creator, our Father, which is God. Our goal should be our sainthood, our sanctity, so that when we leave the body we would be ready and fit to enter heaven, the abode of saints, what eye did not see and ear did not hear, and what never entered the human mind - God prepared this for those who love Him.
Human develops and grows not only as a body but also as a spirit. There is bodily growth (or degradation) and there is spiritual growth (or degradation). You are not the same even next day. While you are in time you are subject to change. There is no way to stop or go back. We have to face constant challenges, constant exams while we live. And here knowledge is very important to make right choices, right decisions, to avoid mistakes, things and actions that harm our soul. We need advise from holy men, saints and most of all from God Himself on how to live. And we do have it readily available - these are the Bible (in particular the New Testament), Teachings of Church Fathers, lives of saints, thousands of books by experiences theologians, Christians scholars, preachers or even blogs written by wise men. I do not consider myself to be particularly wise, being just an average Christian who like you longs for truth, spiritual wellbeing and salvation. But as we are obliged to help others in life, as Our Lord commanded (spiritual assistance and advise are far more important than material one) I decided to start this blog to bring to you, dear reader, what I have learned from my Christian experience, prayer, spiritual readings and studies. Modern world is full of confusion and chaos. It is very hard to find a true light and knowledge in it. My blog is intended to help all those who are lost or seek the answers to the truly important existential questions and dilemmas many face today.
English is not my native language (Ukrainian is), so I ask you pardon for any mistakes you find in my articles. Coming originally from western Ukraine, for the past soon 14 years I had been living in Norway and Iceland, writing this from Reykjavik now.
May God bless your day and will help you to come closer to Him. Today, I ask also the intercession of Saint Macarius the Great for you and your family. Until tomorrow dear friend.